Through the exchange with the DGFG, when one or the other may not be able to completely cover a region, we have achieved a synergy effect that has paid off. Both the UGB and the DGFG have a common goal: the provision of safe and sufficient transplants. This is exactly what we can achieve very well through cooperation, especially here in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.

The tissue bank of the Charité in Berlin has been in existence since 1957. It was founded at the former Institute of Pathology and today belongs to the Institute of Transfusion Medicine. In 2008 the tissue banks of the Charité were transferred into a common structure, the University Tissue Bank of the Charité (UGB), today the Tissue Bank Berlin-Brandenburg. Nowadays, the bank is used to obtain, manufacture and ultimately supply musculoskeletal transplants, amniotic preparations and corneal transplants.

The DGFG and the Tissue Bank Berlin-Brandenburg have been cooperating in the field of musculoskeletal tissue donation since 2015. Musculoskeletal tissue is prepared at the University Tissue Bank of the Charité in Berlin and can be obtained from the DGFG.


Head: Prof. Dr. med. Axel Pruß

Responsible person according to §20c: Dr. med. Jan Schroeter

Arbeitsgemeinschaft der selbständigen Gewebebanken der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin und des Deutschen Herzzentrums Berlin, Stiftung des Bürgerlichen Rechts

c/o Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
CC14 – Institut für Transfusionsmedizin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

Articles on Tissue Bank Berlin-Brandenburg