Support by donations
Would you like to support tissue donation in Germany with financial sponsorship? Do you want to contribute to the DGFG being able to provide thousands of patients with tissue transplants even better? Perhaps you yourself or a family member received a tissue transplant. Or it is simply important to you to promote work that improves the lives of many patients. We are the right place for you! Support the non-profit tissue network of the DGFG – financially or ideally!
Why donate?
The German Society for Tissue Transplantation is an independent non-profit organization. It refinances itself through the reimbursement rates of the tissue transplants mediated for transplantation. These rates cover only the costs incurred for tissue donation in hospitals, processing into transplants in tissue banks and the cost of allocation. The DGFG receives neither subsidies from health insurance agencies nor from the public sector, e.g. for public relations work or for research projects to improve transplants.