Download and ordering information on tissue donation

Tissue donation and tissue transplantation are complex. If you would like more information, please take a look at our ready-to-download information material (most in German only). The information of the public and medical experts on corneal donation, donation of heart valves and blood vessels or on tissue transplantation is important to us. We also happily attend events to inform publicly about tissue donation and the work of the DGFG.

More information in German

Please note that we offer far more information in German. Therefore, use the link to get to the German site and download more information there.

Organ and tissue donor card

The well-known “organ donation card” can also be used to document the decision to donate tissue with the same options as for organ donation. Get informed, print and fill it out!

Information by BZgA

Request further information on organ and tissue donation at, a website of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA). There you will find information brochures, posters, teaching packages or even a calendar.

Laws relevant to tissue donation

Tissue donation is strictly regulated. Since 2007, a tissue law is effective ensuring quality and safety of human tissues and cells. Click here for TPG, AMG, TFG and what’s behind it!

Order printed information material

We would like to provide detailed and above all understandable information about tissue and corneal donation and transplantation medicine. That is why we are constantly working on new information material. No matter whether you come from Germany or the rest of the EU – please get in touch!

Do you need more than one copy? Please enter the desired number of copies in the “Your message” field. Thank you very much!

Order information material

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