Strong together in the network
Every tissue bank in Germany, whether an eye bank, or heart valve bank, may cooperate with the DGFG on a contractual basis. Tissue processing is highly complex, regulated by numerous legislative processes. The donated tissues are processed, tested and stored in tissue banks. The DGFG has the opportunity to allocate tissue grafts on the basis of a central database. The network for tissue donations goes beyond the regional borders for tissue banks and is therefore the ideal place to cooperate with. The local identity and traditional historical structures of our partners remain intact. In our network, tissue banks can safely plan to meet any increased requirements from the transplantation centers with quality and flexibility.
The DGFG supports tissue banks in planning the implementation and compliance with statutory regulations and the establishment of a quality management system. The partners benefit from our many years of experience, join research projects, and have uniform SOPs.
This is the Tissue Bank Network of the DGFG!
Here you can find further information about our tissue bank network.
More about the Cornea Bank Kiel…
More about the Heart Valve Bank Kiel…
More about the Cornea Bank Greifswald…
More about the Cornea Bank Rostock…
More about the Cornea and Tissue Bank Schwerin…
More about the Tissue Bank Hanover/DGFG…
More about the Tissue Bank Braunschweig…
More about the Tissue Bank Berlin-Brandenburg…
More about the Mitteldeutsche Cornea Bank Halle…
More about the Knappschafts Tissue Bank Sulzbach…
More about the Lions Eye Bank Würzburg…
More about the Lions Eye Bank Heidelberg…
A tissue bank is currently being set up at the Stuttgart Hospital.
More about the Eye Bank at LMU München…